Process Mapping Tools Your email address: Start Quiz! 1. The tool giving details on the person or the department doing the task is --------SIPOCMacro Flow chartSwim Lean Flow chartValue stream mapping 2. X Y Diagram is used ---To get an exhaustive list of potential root causes for the problemTo validate critical root causes for action in improve phasePrioritize root causes for data collectionNone of the above 3. X Y Diagram is also called asFish bone diagramCause & Effect diagramCause & Effect MatrixIshikawa Diagram 4. Highest detection rating of 10 is given whenThe causes for the failure mode happens very frequentlyThe effect of the failure mode is very severeWhen we have fool proof mechanism for detecting or preventing the causes for a failure modeWhen we do not have fool proof mechanism for detecting or preventing the causes for a failure mode 5. Fishbone diagram is not called asIshikawa diagramX Y DiagramCause & Effect diagram6M Analysis Loading... Overview of Six Sigma Lean Management Define Phase Process Mapping Tools Basic Statistics MSA & Process Capability Analysis MVA - Distributions - Sampling Inferential Statistics and Hypothesis Testing Improve Phase Control Phase